Have you ever had a Best Friend? I'm been fortunate in my life. I've had two. The first was Gavriel Sanders whose still a best friend. Then there's Gary; he has been a friend since 1999. It was then that I hired him at InsureTrade; an insurance business that he helped start in 1999. He's been a best friend ever since.
Gary has worked for me four times. I've worked for him once and consulted many times. We're both entrepreneurs.
Rather late in life, Gary met and married his best friend Carol.
Gary is a world class photographer. The picture just before this paragraph was taken by me. Most of the other pictures in this article were by Gary. He is also an Editor at Large for Cameracraft Magazine published in the UK and read around the world.
He has authored more than 35 books on cameras. His camera of choice is a Sony or the camera he has with him. He has an amazing collection of camera and technology devices he's invented over the years.
He's a man that has truly followed his passion. If I took the time to list his accomplishments as a husband, father, grand father, son, brother, brother-in-law, inventor, an education as a rocket scientist, photographer, musician, very successful entrepreneur, author, editor, and friend you would be even more impressed. Most of us would be happy just to have someone like this as an acquaintance. I'm fortunate enough to have him as my best friend.
His accomplishments in life are substantial. His emails that are simply titled: "Just checking in" mean so much. He's one of the busiest men I know. He and His wife now live in Boston, and Nova Scotia, and wherever their RV takes them, whenever the mood to travel strikes.
He gives photography seminars, virtually and in person, all over the world.
Over the past few years, he has let his beard grow from a goatee to a full long bead. The beard was long enough and white enough to help Santa out.
I want to share a few pictures of his wife, grandkids and of course his beard with you.
Well, now you've met Gary. Here are some other images of him from over the years that I enjoy.
Gary, THANK YOU for always being there for me. Thank you for just being you. Oh, and thanks for shaving your beard off!