I was working as the President & CEO of an International Oil Field Services company. On November 3, I left California to travel around the world. The trip would take me to London, Scotland, back to London, Leon France, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Singapore, Indonesia, Mylashia, back to Singapore, Hawaii, and then back to California in December 23. This was going to be one of my most exciting trips ever.
On November 26, 1984, I arrived in Kuwait, coming from Saudi Arabia. I went directly from the Kuwait city airport to the work camp in the Kuwait desert. On December 2, my Agent’s Chauffeur dropped me off at the Hyatt Regency in Kuwait city. Working in a desert environment for a week was exhausting. A lot of time was spent on the sand. Sure, there there was a tent. But, the conditions of the heat, wind, and long hours take a toll.
Just fifty yards from my tent was millions of dollars worth of equipment drilling a very deep well. After a quick shower and a bit of dinner, I decided to call my family. I realized that the kids hadn’t left for school. It was a call that lasted about 30 minutes.
The following day, I woke up early. I showered and shaved, and when I was dressed, I repacked my luggage, then went to the lobby and checked out of my room.
I secured a limo and went straight to the airport. I checked my bags and then walked out to the loading area on the tarmac for flight 221. I could see my extra bags on the luggage cart beside the plane. In addition, I was carrying a briefcase and one carry-on piece. I was third in line to board the plane. I had my boarding pass and passport outside of my suitcase to efficiently present them when requested.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a limo driving fast toward our plane. At first, I feared the vehicle was out of control. Then I saw the royal seal on the side of the limo. I now recognized the man hanging out of the front passenger side window. It was my Agent’s bodyguard yelling for Dr. Rawson, Dr. Rawson. Soon, the limo was parked, and the rear passenger side window was down. My Agent was also calling my name, Dr. Rawson, Dr. Rawson.
The Chauffeur and bodyguard found me at the head of the line. One of them asked if I had any additional luggage. I pointed to my luggage with the red I.D. tags sitting on the cart. There was a real sense of urgency in their voices. The two of them walked quickly over to the cart. Then they grabbed my luggage and ran back to the trunk of the limo.
They asked me to take my briefcase and carry on and proceed to the limo. Then, get into the back seat where my Agent was waiting for me.
On December 3, 1984, my flight from Kuwait was hijacked. People lost their lives. Two Americans died, others as well. There were more lives at risk.
When I entered the limo, my Agent said, “Praise be to Allah that we were able to get to you before your flight took off.
We have a problem at the camp (by the drilling site), and we need your expertise.” I said, “So, after spending a week out there, you want me to go back; of course I will. You should know that this is going to cause some real travel issues.
Did they tell you what the problem is?” My Agent said, “DR, you know I don’t control day-to-day activities. The President and the camp manager from Australia asked for you.” I said, “Thank you, I appreciate what you’re saying. I’m looking for information that I can begin working on, so I’ll be ready when we get there.” He said, “We can all relax now, we have you, and I’m sure you’ll figure it out when you arrive at the camp.”
I said, “However, I was headed to the UAE to meet with its President and Oil Minister. Here are the favors I need from you and your staff. Please get in touch with the office of the President of Abu Dhabi and let them know why I wasn’t at the airport when his staff arrived to pick me up today. Then, explain that once I arrive back at the Hyatt Regency, I will personally call his office and make the appropriate arrangements.
Once we were clear of the airport, we started talking about his other businesses, expanding our business with him, his family, and mine. We stopped by his home before proceeding to the camp. I had never been there. It looked like a smaller version of the Royal Palace. We had lunch, the three of us (the Bodyguard, my Agent, and me).
He gave me a brief tour of the great room and then the dining room. Before lunch was prepared for us, my Agent explained that the large table we would be using once belonged to his father. He used it for formal state dinners he hosted on behalf of Kuwait’s Emir (think King). He said the table would seat up to 36 people, depending on how it was used. Since there would be the three of us, we would use it as his own family does each day. In that configuration, it would seat 20. I remembered that his father passed just after the Emir died.
Our tour also included one of the four restrooms closest to the great room. I remember noticing that all the fixtures were made of gold, and the floors were white marble.
When lunch was over, the Chauffer was asked to drive me out to the camp. And, he asked him to stay with me until I was settled into the tent.
When we arrived, we were met by the camp manager. He came over and said, “Really hate to do this to you, mate (he was Australian), but one of our men solved the problem we were having.
Our company President asked if you would be so kind as to stay in his tent? He’s very sorry that we had to call you back so urgently. It’s the biggest tent off to the left. I’ll have one of my men escort the both of you over there. The President also has two staff members that are always available to you, as well. Just let them know what you want to eat, and they’ll have it prepared for you. They’ll get you whatever you need.” I said,” Thank you.” Please pass on my appreciation to the President.” He said, “Absolutely.”
The following day, the limo was waiting for me at 6 am. It was a bit over an hour to make it back to the Hyatt Regency in Kuwait City. Once there, I showered, looked at my watch, and realized the kids might be home from school. So I decided to give them a call.
My wife picked up the phone. After she knew it was me, she said, “Thank God you’re alive.” I said, “Of course I am. But, wait, what happened?” Through her tears, she said, “The kids have been watching the drama of your hijacked flight play out on international T.V.”
She went on to say that my flight had been hijacked just before takeoff. They landed in Abu Dhabi.” She said, “There were two big Americans that were killed and tossed onto the tarmac.
I spent the next hour and a half reassuring each of the kids, and my wife, that I was safe. But, unfortunately, there were still two more weeks before I arrived back home. It was very traumatic for us all.
I had scheduled myself to be on the next flight to Abu Dhabi. But unfortunately, my Agent never called them to tell them I had been detained a bit longer. So when I arrived, there was no one to greet me, and I was on my own trying to figure out the hotel and travel arrangements. Awkward, but doable. International travel, especially in the middle east, is always subject to current events.
When I finished in Abu Dhabi, I was off on another adventure. This time, we made a brief stopover in Qatar and then on to Singapore. We were on time for the celebration of their nation’s separation from Malaysia in 1965.
I arrived back in the U.S. on December 23. I had been thinking a lot about the hijacking. More people lost their lives, and the flight eventually wound up in Tehran. The hijackers were never brought to trial.
I sent a Telex (predates email) to my Agent in Kuwait. It was marked personal and confidential, it read THANK YOU!
On Christmas evening, a member of our team arrived at my home with a Personal and Confidential Telex. It read YOU ARE WELCOME!
One person cared enough to make sure I wasn’t involved in the hijacking. Frankly, it’s unlikely that someone would do that for me. He did.
Once again, One person made all the difference.