When you affiliate with a company, organization, fraternity, service club, school, or religion; you’re sending a message. The inherent message is what the symbol stands for or its reputation.
When my parents passed just two years apart, I became the head of the family. My Grandfather was the only member of my family that was older than me. I asked and he agreed to provide me with counsel so that I would have his wisdom and experience to make decisions.
He made it quite clear that he will never tell me what to do. Instead, he would give me a principle to use to make the decision I was wrestling with, being married with a young baby boy and a brother and sister to raise.
Our system worked well. Over the ensuing years, I found others that could mentor me in business, religion, family issues, my hobbies, and more.
When my grandfather was 87 he called me at work and asked if I would take him to the hospital. He lived in Lake Isabella, and I lived forty-five minutes away in Bakersfield, CA. I asked him why and he said, “it’s important.” That was enough for me. I dropped everything and went to get him.
On the way to the hospital, this man of few words was talking freely about, family, and responsibility, what to do if he should pass on, and so much more. Then, he slowed down and his words became very deliberate. He said, “Will you become a Mason?” Without even knowing what that is, I said, “Yes.” Then I asked, “Why would you want me to do that?”
He said, since your mom and dad passed on, I’ve spent time giving you the principles and values that are important in anyone’s life. He said, “Do you know where that wisdom comes from?” “No, I do not,” I said.
He announced that he was a Mason. He was a 32nd degree Mason, and a member of the Scottish Rite. I received wisdom from the principles taught in Masonry and the old testament of the Bible” he said, I said, “YES, I will absolutely become a Mason.”
Today, I’m a Mason, a Knight Commander in the Scottish Rite, a Shriner and I’m in several other Masonic organizations. My Masonic journey has taken more than twenty-five years. As a younger man, I spent twenty-two years in the ministry while owning a number of companies over the years.
The symbols you see in the graphic are from all the organizations where I am a member. In addition, I’m the immediate past President of the Las Vegas Cadillac Club.
After my Grandfather passed, a few years later I met and married my wife. At the time we were getting married I had no idea that her father was a leader in California Masonry. A year after we were married, I became a Mason. A promise was kept.
Human nature is that we judge others by their appearance, the company they keep, where they’re from and so much more. I get that. My hope is that the organizations I belong to have taught me the necessary wisdom to be of help, be less judgmental, and be more understanding of others.
What are your thoughts?