The first book I ever read on setting goals (among other things) was Think and Grow Rich and was written in 1937 by Napolean Hill. The lesson you learn about great books is that they’re always great. They don’t go out of style. The content stands the test of time.
Beginning Monday the 27th until Friday the 31st, I’ll be doing what I’ve done since 1970 at the same time of year. This year will be my fifty-first time. It never gets old.
We all set goals all the time, and this is not the only time I’ll set goals. It’s just the time when I put those big life-altering goals for the major aspects of my life into perspective. I’ve found it takes about one hour per day, but I’m thinking and rethinking them all week long.
Clearly define any goal you set for yourself or others. The goal must always be attainable. You may like to set a goal to go to the moon, but is it realistic for 2022?. It should be a goal that you’re willing to be held accountable for its completion.
*These are the goals that I set. Your list may vary.
The first year I read this book was in 1970. I completed every exercise and made notes in the book. My goals were clearly defined, and I felt they were on the outside edge of being attainable.
Background: I was twenty-four years old and had sold a successful business in Florida and returned to California. I decided to go to work for an overhead lifting company. My Mother and Father-in-law, a ten-year-old Sister-in-law, moved into our tiny three-bedroom home. I was working sixty to sixty-five hours a week.
It wasn’t until we moved from that home to a new, much larger four-bedroom home that I found the well-worn book again. As I read the book, I was stunned. The goals I had set for myself were meager compared to my accomplishments.
Having found the book, I went through all the exercises again and set new goals. I set an appointment with myself in my DayTimer to review what I had written two years prior. You guessed it. Once again, I exceeded my goals by 3X in some cases. In terms of income, it was more than 10X the amount I had set for a goal.
Am I bragging? No. The growth I achieved in the early seventies allowed me to go to college, buy several more companies and grow each of them significantly. It also improved the spiritual life we enjoy as a family.
The goals I learned to set back then have become a success habit and allowed my wife and me to be where we are today.
I hope you’ll set realistic goals for yourself and those you care for around you. I can promise that you’ll be a better person if you do. Harvard says, “Only three percent of American businessmen set goals.”